EcoGraf™ Anode Material Recycling with sector leading ESG credentials

Battery recycling is critical to improving supply chain sustainability and the Company’s successful application of the EcoGraf HFfree™ purification process to recover and re-use anode materials provides it with a unique ability to support customers to reduce CO2 emissions and lower battery costs.

With an initial focus on production scrap from anode cell and battery manufacturing the Company’s anode recycling programs are supported by legislative developments to promote closed-loop manufacturing systems within the battery supply chain.

Working towards a clean energy future

Recycling of battery minerals is gaining momentum. There are many players engaged in recycling of cathode minerals, the nickel, cobalt, lithium and manganese, but it is a clear field in the recycling of anode material. A significant amount of research and development has been conducted by EcoGraf to demonstrate that its patented purification process can be applied to recycle graphite from end-of-life batteries. Supported by legislative changes and sustainability programs in the EU and USA, the last leg in our business plan is for your Company to become a prominent player in closed-loop recycling of anode graphite.


Sustainable Future

  • Successful application of the EcoGraf™ purification technique to recover carbon anode material from lithium-ion battery production waste and end-of-life batteries;
  • Opportunity to support global battery recycling initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions from the manufacture of electric vehicles and to lower battery life cycle costs; and
  • Enabling electric vehicle and battery manufacturers to adopt closed-loop supply chains to maximise production efficiencies and meet stringent legislative requirements for recycling.


A research program was undertaken in Germany, through a collaboration between the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) and the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU). The research used the EcoGraf HFfree™ proprietary processing technology to purify graphite particles and the findings were positive.

Testwork with battery manufacturers and electric vehicle OEMs are underway with product samples currently under evaluation. The process flowsheet for the treatment of recycled anode materials utilising EcoGraf’s HFfree™ purification process is being developed.

The Company is developing plans to advance its anode recycling to a piloting capability and is working with its partners to support this activity.


EcoGraf is committed to the core principle of delivering value through sustainable development.